There are no Vacations from Oral Hygiene

Summer is here and with it comes family vacations, camping, traveling, and exploring new places. These are an exciting next few months, but before you leave we’d like to offer a few tips and reminders about caring for your teeth and gums while you’re away from home and your normal routine.

Visit the Dentist Before You Leave Home

The last thing you want while you and your family are relaxing or playing at the seaside is the have your fun interrupted by a toothache or other dental emergency. Depending on where this happens, you may be far from proper dental treatment. You can save yourself worry and potential vacation disruption by scheduling an appointment and seeing your dentist as part of your holiday preparations. A simple checkup will ensure your teeth a clean and cavity-free before you leave.

Making sure any restorations, such as crowns and fillings are not becoming loose. Untreated cavities and weakened dental work can become painful due to the pressure changes that go along with flying.

Don’t Get Carried Away With Sugars and Treats

That feeling of being release from out normal routines and the temptations of delicious foods can lead to over-eating and the consumption of snacks we would normally avoid. Try to limit these indulgences and keep a pack of sugar-free gun handy to help prevent cavities.

Continue to Brush and Floss Regularly

Once again, away from your normal routine, you may be tempted to neglect regular brushing and flossing. Pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, keeping these items handy and make it easy to keep up with your oral hygiene routing.

One thing many people don’t realize is that bacteria can build up quickly on a moist or damp toothbrush. Make sure you give yours a chance to dry thoroughly before packing it away in your luggage and make sure it has plenty of ventilation between uses.

Have a Wonderful Vacation

By following these few tips, you can help keep your teeth healthy and strong wherever you are and no matter how much fun you’re having. Keep flashing that beautiful smile and we look forward to seeing you again on your next appointment.

Thank you for trusting us to help you maintain your dental health.

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