Deep Cleaning in Fairfax
Your teeth aren’t the only ones that need attention. Everyone should also put some effort into making sure that his or her gums are clean and healthy. One way to make sure that your gums are clean both inside and out is by having a regular deep cleaning periodontal treatment done by a dentist.
What Is Deep Cleaning?
Deep cleaning is also known as deep scaling and gum planning. It is a dental procedure that involves thoroughly cleaning the areas of the gums that are not normally reached by brushing alone. Deep cleaning can help you avoid periodontal diseases like gingivitis. Periodontal diseases are caused by the build-up of plaque on the teeth.
Normally this build-up of tartar and plaque are situated in places that cannot be cleaned by mere brushing or flossing. If left unclean, bacteria will thrive in the plaque and will soon cause gingivitis or other more serious periodontal diseases. Nearly all adults today have gum problems but you can avoid this by scheduling a regular appointment to your dentist, your dentist may advise you to have deep cleaning.

Regular dental cleaning is performed on patients to help prevent gum problems like gingivitis. Regular dental cleaning is able to remove plaque, tartar, calculus and stains found on the teeth’s root surfaces. In some cases, regular dental cleaning is not enough to reach the deeper parts of the gums. If you have an existing gum problem, it is possible that your gums now have periodontal pockets. Plaque can further accumulate in these gum pockets and worsen the problem. You can have these periodontal pockets cleaned by having a deep cleaning dental procedure at least once per year. Deep cleaning is proven to prevent gum problems from progressing.
Contact our Fairfax dental office and make an appointment. We are here to help: (703) 650-9299
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